
Log In

With the choice in your hands, you can log in easily access your retro boards with either your google account or email

Log In

Create Boards

Create an unlimited amount of public and team retro boards

Create Boards

Customize Your Board

Have the power to do anything with your retro board, from renaming the board and columns, to creating an unlimited amount of columns as you wish

Customize Your Board

Create Teams

Create teams to generate a single link to the latest retro board for the team

Create Teams

Sort Cards

Sort all the cards by order, created date or number of votes

Sort Cards

Add Comments To Cards

Easily add comments to each card

Add Comments To Cards

Vote on Cards

Limit the amount of times a user can vote on a board or provide unlimitless voting access

Vote on Cards

Drag and Drop on Cards

Easily group together like cards by simply dragging and dropping them on top of each other

Drag and Drop on Cards

Export Your Board

Export your retro board to a csv file

Export Your Board